4 Tips for maintaining white girls black guys online relationship
Last time we told how black guys start a successful conversation with a white girls online. It is about three steps. 1. Show best to others in your wwbm dating profile, when creating an dating profile, be literate, bad grammar, bad spelling, and even text speak can be a huge turn-off to girls. 2. Using a unique greeting to to catch the eyes of white women. 3. Using open ended questions specific to white women. So you have gotten a nice white girl to notice you. How you maintain the white girls black guys online interracial relationship? It's easier than you might think. Here are 4 tips for maintaining a black guy white girl online relationship.
1.Try to talk every day for at least an hour or longer.
Take out time to be online, and work around your schedules to have an uninterrupted hour together everyday. If this is not possible, try to get in touch through short email messages or SMS.
2.Let white women talk about themself.
Most women are comfortable talking about themselves, because it's a topic they know well. A big part of being a good conversationalist is being a good listener.
3.Black men can ask white women some questions that are thought-provoking, but not too personal.
Keep your questions focused on things like what she does to relax, where she's from, where she went to school, what kind of entertainment (books, music, movies, television) she likes, whether she's an animal-lover, etc. Follow that old adage and steer clear of sex, politics, money and religion. There's a reason why these are forbidden topics when you're first getting to know someone.
4.Try to be patient and enjoy this period of getting to know white women
Don't push a date too soon. Black guys, you should let the white girls to let you know when she's ready to meet. You can throw out a no-pressure signal like, "Just so you know, I'd be thrilled to take you on a date whenever you're ready, but I'm willing to wait. When the time is right for you, let me know."
Dating someone of a different race is fun adventure. There are many white girls that prefer dating a black guys. If you think you might enjoy interracial dating with a white girl, stick with using whitegirlsblackguys dating site until you find a good interracial romance.